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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Repeat Offender & Bananas Foster

 Earlier in the week, I gave Libby the down low on my amazing turkey burgers and have been craving them ever since. 

So Tuesday night, I made Josh and I a couple burgers with wedge fries.
You just can't go wrong with these burgers!

For dessert I whipped up Bananas Foster. This is the dish that changed Josh's mind about bananas. I remember the first time I made it, we were living in our apartment. Josh wasn't too excited to have a dessert made with bananas. He tried to inform me that he didn't like bananas and that he would just have vanilla ice cream. But, I knew better. I knew that once he took a bite with the warm, buttery, sugary, sweet banana and cold vanilla ice cream, that he would change his mind. ...And he did.

After melting the butter and adding cinnamon and brown sugar, I tossed in the bananas and let them bathe in the goodness for a bit. Then, I lit that bitch on fire! {It is somewhat difficult to light things on fire and take a picture...so I'm sorry there is no picture. Next time I will have Josh be my photographer.}

 I scooped vanilla ice cream on a plate (Josh said he wanted 5 scoops of ice cream...) and poured the hot bananas & sugary sauce along side it.
It doesn't look very pretty, but it tasted fantastic.
I want to find a way to make this dish a little more appealing to the eye...so I guess we'll just have to have this dessert more often. :)

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