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Friday, November 11, 2011

Egg Scramble with Tomatoes, Avocado & Goat Cheese

 Yesterday morning I created an Egg Scramble with Fresh Tomatoes, Avocado & Goat Cheese. What a wonderful way to start the day. The dish's colors were so beautiful; yellow, red, green, white! I couldn't wait to dig in. 
This dish wasn't only appealing to the eye. The eggs were cooked perfectly, thanks to my lessons from Julia. The eggs were fluffy and savory, the fresh tomatoes brought a fresh dynamic, the goat cheese brought a nice contrast with its tang, and the avocado added to the overall creamy texture. This egg scramble literally melted in my mouth. 
Since I was only cooking for one, I wasn't going to use a whole avocado. Avocados brown very quickly, but I didn't want to waste a perfectly good half of an avocado. So, I decided to try and save it... I kept the core inside the half I planned to save, sprinkled lemon juice over the open flesh, and placed it in a plastic bag. I placed it in the fridge and hoped it would keep it's green.

This morning, I wanted to make Josh the same egg scramble wrapped in a tortilla shell. But would I have to use a new avocado? Or did the avocado I saved stay green and not turn brown?

<---- It stayed fresh!

Josh decided he only wanted avocado and not tomato or goat cheese... and I was too tired to try to convince him.
Two Egg Scramble-Avocado Wraps To Go.

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