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Monday, October 24, 2011

Homemade Potato Chips?

Sunday afternoon I wanted a simple lunch of Egg Salad Sandwiches & Potato Chips. Unfortunately, we didn't have any potato chips in the house. I love potato chips! Once I got the idea in my head, I had to have them with my lunch. I had two choices: Run out to the store and buy a bag, or take a whirl at making them myself.

When I make my fries, I liked to bake them rather than fry them. So, I decided to give baked potato chips a try. I have never made potato chips before, nor have I even seen a recipe on how to make them. But, I decided, I'll give it a try.

I don't own a mandolin, but luckily my Dad does. After slicing the potatoes I seasoned them with a little oil and vinegar and sea salt. Then I laid them on a cookie sheet in a single layer., and popped them in the oven.

They didn't seem to cook very evenly in the oven and the vinegar flavor didn't jump out the way I had hoped. The flavor was good, but... not the best potato chips I've had. I think I'm going to have to review some recipes for potato chips and rethink my technique. I have a feeling that once I master a potato chip recipe, I may be making them multiple times a week!

With a side of my potato chips, I made egg salad sandwiches on toasted wheat bread. With the soft texture of the egg, I always toast the bread for the crunchy contrast.

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