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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Use What You Have

Josh's Review: "It's Good" Did you expect anything else? ;)
Last Night's Dinner

I had more ground turkey that needed to be used, so I decided on another version of turkey burgers. I mixed the turkey with salt and ground red pepper. I also had two more ciabatta buns, goat cheese, an avocado, tomatoes, cilantro and a lime. 
I mixed together diced tomato and avocado, chopped cilantro and lime juice & zest. After cooking the burger, I topped it off with crumbled goat cheese. The turkey was very spicy, which Josh really liked. I loved how the goat cheese and tomato/avocado cooled down the spice. 

I had a few potatoes on hand, so I cut them and tossed them with s&p, italian seasoning and olive oil. I grilled them for a bit and finished them in the oven.

Making dinner with things you already have on hand isn't difficult. I feel as though, if you like all the ingredients you are using, chances are, you can make a meal that you will enjoy. It saves time, not having to run out to the grocery store to get ingredients for a recipe, and it saves money!