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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Oeufs Broulles

(Scrambled Eggs)

Yesterday morning, scrambled eggs was on the menu. Scrambled eggs, pretty simple right? Beat the eggs, throw in a pan, move it all around, done! Julia's technique was a little different with a big difference in the final product.
"Scrambled eggs in French are creamy soft curds that just hold their shape from fork to mouth. Their preparation is entirely a matter of stirring the eggs over gentle heat until they slowly thicken as a mass into a custard."
Custard is the perfect description! The eggs were a fluffy cream. The eggs are mixed with a small amount of milk and s&p and cooked over "moderately" low heat (I cooked them half-way between the low and medium setting.) I cooked the eggs very slowly and stirred constantly with a rubber spatula. For the first three minutes it seemed as though nothing was happening - which is what Julia said would happen. When the eggs thickened, I removed the eggs from the heat and added heavy cream! The cream stopped the cooking and took the eggs to a new level. The first bite I took, I thought, "My Dad would love this". My Dad likes his eggs on the runny side. While these eggs were not runny, they had the consistency of a custard. The eggs were not dry by any means.

Oeufs Broulles (Scramled Eggs)

Oeufs Broulles (Scramled Eggs)

Think, Savory Custard. 

1 comment:

  1. Eggs and heavy cream! My heart hurts...
    Thanks, Margaret for updating. I've been going through withdrawal.
