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Saturday, March 12, 2011

*~* ThE iNsPiRaTiOn *~*

This morning I watched the movie "Julie & Julia" and instantly became inspired. While it may seem unoriginal, I would really like to cook my way through Julie Child's cookbooks "Mastering The Art Of French Cooking". Today I went to the bookstore and purchased the box set of Julia Child's "Mastering The Art Of French Cooking Volumes One and Two". Standing in line and handing over the money, I doubted the entire idea. However, as soon as I walked out the door with my new purchase a rush of adrenaline surged through my veins and I suddenly had the urge to start skipping to my car! That is when I knew. I knew I should give it a try and do something I love - Cook.

Over the years, I have tried several different career paths. Every course I took and every job I have had lacked any passion on my part. Nothing has seemed to spark an interest in me. The job I currently have is just that - a job. I've thought about taking culinary classes, but I have never followed through. I think the reason is because I'm not a fan of school. I would never want to lose interest in something I love so much.

The kitchen has always been the heart of the household for my family. Growing up, my Mom made home-cooked meals every night. With Frank Sinatra playing, we would sit down for dinner as a family and talk about how our days went. With our busy schedules, the food brought us together as a family. It is a memory I hold dear to my heart.

During my adult years while living with my Dad, he and I would cook dinners together. With a bottle, or two, of wine and Steve Tyrell playing in the background, he and I would make a mess of the kitchen. During a time of transition for us, sharing dinners and long talks was a happy time for me.

When Josh and I moved into our first apartment together, the smell of new recipes cooking made our white-walled apartment into a home. With Jack Johnson playing in the background, I tried many new recipes, introducing Josh to new things, and looked forward to going grocery shopping.

From my childhood to my adulthood, the kitchen has been where the crowd gathers. The kitchen is where ingredients become beautiful dishes; where you give loved ones something to enjoy. Trying a new dish is a way of escaping from the everyday grind.

With Julia Child's cookbook in front of me, I feel alive. On the back of the box, it quotes the editor Judith Jones,
"I've had this French cookbook for Americans for almost two months now, have read it through, tried innumerable recipes (some simple and some challenging), and I think it's not only first-rate but  unique. I don't know of another book that succeeds so well in defining and translating for Americans the secrets of French cuisine. The reason? Because the authors emphasize technique - not the number of recipes they can cram into a volume, or the exotic nature of the dishes. Reading and studying this book seems to me as good as taking a basic course at the Cordon Bleu... I think this book will become a classic."
I will blog about each recipe I try and include photos - for both the exceptional moments and the disappointing moments. I'm very much looking forward to taking part in something I love, challenging myself with new techniques and sharing the end results.


  1. Love this first post Meg! I love that you talked about our family dinners with Frank Sinatra in the background...memories that I hold dear to my heart too. I'm excited that you are so inspired and can't wait to read all about the recipes you try! Feel free to come over here and test out new recipes on us!! :)

  2. Looking forward to your next post, Margaret. This sounds like it will be fun, frustrating, educational and a little fattening!
    We will all learn a little something along with you.

  3. Way to take on such a challenge. Have fun Margaret! ~Heather~

  4. I love this post! I can't wait to read all about your experiences. Wish we lived a little closer so we could come over for dinner :)
