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Monday, March 14, 2011

L'Omelette Roulee Au Fromage

(Rolled Omelette With Cheese)

Breakfast seems the best place to start for me. I decided to start with omelettes, because through the years, I thought I had the technique mastered! I have been flipping the omelette in the air to cook the other side before plating. Turns out, Julia does not flip. She jerks the pan and encourages you to  not be afraid to be rough with the eggs. Yikes.

There are two kinds of omelettes: Scrambled and Rolled. I have never made a scrambled omelette, so I went with the rolled this morning. Almost each recipe in the cookbooks have Variations. I chose the variation "with cheese". 
"A good French omelette is a smooth, gently swelling, golden oval that is tender and creamy inside. And as it takes less than a half a minute to make..."
Thirty seconds or less to make? The first thought in my head was, "Josh will be eating a lot of omelettes in order for me to master 30 seconds." And the second thought, "What a wonderful excuse to host a brunch."

I made a pot of coffee.

I re-read the instructions on what kind of pan to use (maybe I should go shopping?), how to beat the eggs, how to notice the moment when the butter is ready, and how to move the egg around the plate. 

I used 2 extra large eggs & parmesan. 

I turned on the burner and made my first French omelette. I felt a little ridiculous jerking the pan vigorously and making so much noise. It looks weird... I must be moving the pan completely wrong. Wait! It was working! The eggs became fluffy and it folded into itself the way Julia said it would. The omelette is now a beautiful oval! While it was still in the pan, I sprinkled grated parmesan on top, dotted it with soft butter and put it under the broiler - just to melt butter and brown cheese.

I put the omelette on the plate and snapped a picture. I may not have cooked it in less than 30 seconds (however, it was pretty close!), but I did eat it in 30 seconds. It was soft and creamy on the inside. The golden brown cheese added an amazing contrast to the gentle egg.

L'Omelette Roulee Au Fromage (Rolled Omelette With Cheese)

L'Omelette Roulee Au Fromage (Rolled Omelette With Cheese)

The omelette was delicious

& - bonus! - I think it looked great!


  1. Can you post a shortened recipe? I'd like to try some of these out myself! Maybe like a cheat sheet guide to fancy cooking- lol

  2. The omelette looks delicious! Did you do this on your first try?
    Can't wait for more of your inspiration, Margaret.

  3. Amy, if there are requests for recipes, I'll put them up :)

    Thanks, Mom. Yes! It was my first try!!! Yay!

  4. Margaret, do you have to work at your other job? More, more, we need more!

  5. wow meg. looks delicious! i am impressed. can't wait for you to have me over to try one of these fabulous recipes!

  6. this is awesome, Meg! :) i'm enjoying reading your posts. i don't have a huge desire to cook, but i'll definitely make some "recommendations" to Matt! lol.
