"... I do think the way to a full and healthy life is to adopt the sensible system of "small helpings, no seconds, no snacking, and a little bit of everything." Above all - have a good time! What a happy task you have set for yourself! The pleasures of the table are infinite. Toujours bon appetit!"
"The most important ingredient you can bring to it is love of cooking for its own sake."
"Our years of teaching cookery have impressed upon us the fact that all too often a debutant cook will start in enthusiastically on a new dish without ever reading the recipe first. Suddenly an ingredient, or a process, or a time sequence will turn up, and there is astonishment, frustration, and even disaster."*~* Noted! *~*
Next in line for Volume One: Contents. I read about Kitchen Equipment, Definitions, Ingredients, Measures & Temperatures (I really just skimmed these two sections for now), Cutting and Wines!
I read about Soups, Sauces and Eggs. I thought I would just see a few notes here and there about different techniques. I was wrong. Every little thing is explained with so much detail, I thought my head was going to explode! This book holds so much information. It is wonderfully overwhelming!
Next step: Where do I begin?
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